$1T (That’s TRILLION) cut from Medicaid over the next 10 years. So if you’re one of the 1 in 5 Americans who are disabled, have special needs, the 60% of older Americans who require nursing home assistance? Sucks to be you. And many of these folks will see BOTH their Medicare and Medicaid benefits slashed drastically. Double suck.
Ah, grasshopper, but it’s not ALL bad news. Some folks will make out like bandits!
If you make $900k per year, you’ll be getting a $234,000 tax CUT, while folks in the $50k-$90k bracket will get a $660 tax cut. But that cut for the latter group peters out over the next 10 years, to the point where many middle income folks will actually be paying MORE taxes by 2027 than they are today.
The top 1% and .1%? Need you ask? They’ll be juuuuust fine, thank you very much. Of the entire package, 80% of it will go into their coffers. AGAIN: That’s 80¢ for every dollar cut from Medicare and Medicaid, taken from the old, the infirm and the poorest Americans, going into the pockets of folks like... like... like Trump, Kushner and the Koch boys. Surprise!
But here’s a tidbit that the article didn’t address. This is a list of the 15 poorest states in America, the states that will be hit the hardest by Trump’s “tax reform” sleight of hand redistribution of wealth.
















So how’s that “Make America Great Again” working out for you folks who were so apoplectic about Hillary’s emails?
Relaaaaaax. I hear Trump’s going to ship everyone a complimentary MAGA hat with each 1040 form. Just don’t come bitching to us when your number comes up.
Bruce Lindner
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