Saturday, January 07, 2017

Republican congresswoman's poll on repealing Obamacare didn't quite go as planned (jen Hayden) · Wednesday, January 04, 2017, 10:04 pm

Republican Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn (TN-07) thought she’d take the temperature of her constituents regarding the Affordable Care Act and it didn’t quite go as Blackburn planned. Turns out, people like having health insurance:

A longtime opponent of the Affordable Care Act, Rep. Blackburn has worked to ensure it would not be a success on her own home state:

So, to review: Blackburn says Obamacare is a failure because the promised Medicaid expansion isn’t happening. Journalist points out that Blackburn’s own state has blocked Medicaid expansion from happening. In response to which Blackburn says, Damn right! No way would we ever let Medicaid expand!

Nobody is claiming the ACA is perfect, but these Republicans simply cannot stand that a Democratic president unveiled a Republican-created (or heavily influenced) health care plan that was a successful starting point to reform our out-of-whack privatized healthcare industry. They’ve had seven full years to come up with a replacement and they’ve still got zip, zilch, nada, nothing.

It’s going to be up to us to stop them and defend the Affordable Care Act. Take the first step today and click here to join the resistance.


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