Friday, January 06, 2017

Ethics Office Victimized Rep Over Rabbit Travel

Josh Marshall · Wednesday, January 04, 2017, 2:20 am

When House Republicans met in a closed door caucus meeting Monday night to vote on reining in the Office of Congressional Ethics, aggrieved members of the House stood up to recount stories of being victimized by the out-of-control oversight office. In the aftermath of the ethics vote debacle, the spokesman for one member of Congress, Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA), discussed his boss's victimization with the local paper, The San Diego Union-Tribune.

Hunter, who inherited his seat from his father and voted in favor of gutting the oversight office, was victimized when the Office questioned tens of thousands of dollars worth of campaign spending. Spokesman Joe Kasper noted one particularly egregious case of investigative overreach in which the Office questioned Hunter's use of $600 of campaign funds for airline tickets for the family rabbit.

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