Saturday, December 17, 2016

Obama administration moves to protect Planned Parenthood funding from Republicans (laura Clawson) · Wednesday, December 14, 2016, 1:13 pm

President Obama is busy strengthening what protections he can before Donald Trump takes office. His administration has just “issued a final rule to bar states from withholding federal family planning funds from Planned Parenthood affiliates and other health clinics that provide abortions.” The rule takes effect on January 18, two days before Trump is inaugurated. And while it’s one more thing the Trump administration will want to undo—it’s sure to be a priority for Mike Pence—this one won’t be so easy:

In this case, however, unraveling the new rule would first require a time-consuming legislative process, according to lawyers at the Department of Health and Human Services. [...]

According to the department, repealing the rule would require a joint resolution of disapproval by the House and Senate, with concurrence by the new president.

And for however long that takes, the Obama administration will have protected family planning services for low-income women. It’s not enough to avert the damage the Trump administration will do to women’s health, but it’s something.


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