Thursday, December 15, 2016

Meet the people who are really taking your money (david Akadjian) · Sunday, December 11, 2016, 2:56 pm

Media pundits in the United States tell this story over and over again, about the people who are taking “your” money. The story dates back to at least Reagan, when he perfected the story of the evil “welfare queen,” a black woman who somehow drives around in a Cadillac decked out in furs. She also dines on steaks while you work. 

During the last election, I heard versions of this story again and again from conservatives. People have told me that 52 percent of the population doesn’t work nor wants to work. Many believe the problem is that people just don’t want to work and that we need to get them off welfare. This is much of the hostility behind the hatred of Obamacare—the feeling that people are getting something for nothing while the “good” people of America are working their butts off. 

When a robbery has been committed, one of the things you can look for is: who has the stolen goods? Who has the money? 

This is where I usually start when telling people the story about who actually took our money. 

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