Sunday, June 05, 2016

Portman ads brag about anti-heroin bill he voted against funding (laura Clawson) · Wednesday, June 01, 2016, 11:14 am

What is Ohio Republican Sen. Rob Portman spending his $15 million in ad money on? Pretending he’s sincere about fighting heroin addiction. 

Portman speaks in the commercials about a Senate-passed bill of which he was the chief sponsor, aimed at issues including prevention, treatment and law enforcement help.

One of the ads features Gina Bonaminio, a recovering heroin addict from Lakewood. Bonaminio praises Portman's leadership in combating the prescription drug and heroin epidemic. She describes Portman bringing Democrats and Republicans together to pass his legislation.

There’s one small problem with this approach. Portman:

… voted against the very bill that would pay for his proposed solutions. Portman aides confirmed to that money for fighting heroin addiction would come from the $1.1 trillion spending bill Congress passed in December, a measure that Portman denounced as wasteful and likely to drive up deficits.

Rob Portman: He supports addiction prevention and treatment. Just not enough to fund it. 

According to Portman’s campaign, it’s “laughable” to point out the part where he voted against funding the measure. 

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