Tuesday, May 10, 2016

London just elected as mayor a man Donald Trump wouldn't allow to enter the U.S.

Rss@dailykos.com (laurence Lewis) · Friday, May 06, 2016, 10:57 pm

The story:

Sadiq Khan is comfortably ahead of his rival Zac Goldsmith in the race for the London mayoralty after the majority of first-preference votes had been counted on Friday.

The 45-year-old MP for Tooting was expected to reclaim City Hall for Labour after eight years of Conservative rule, and at the end of an often bitter campaign during which the Conservatives accused Khan of “pandering to extremists”.

“With almost 80% of first-preference votes counted, Sadiq has won without question,” said Peter Kellner, the former chairman of the market research firm YouGov, as he watched the results come in at City Hall. “He is well ahead on the first count and that’s not going to change radically.”

And Donald Trump, two days ago:

“I don’t care if it hurts me,” the presumptive GOP presidential nominee said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” Wednesday. “I’m doing the right thing when I do this. And whether it’s Muslim or whether it’s something else, I mean, I have to do the right thing, and that’s the way I’ve been guided.”

To Donald Trump, bigotry is the right thing. There can be no pivot on this.

Trump initially called for a blanket ban on all Muslims entering the country in December, following mass shootings carried out by terrorists in Paris and Southern California.

He later softened his position, saying leaders of Muslim nations and U.S. citizens who are Muslim would be allowed to enter the country.

Big of him to be open to allowing U.S. citizens to enter their own country. But Khan is neither the leader of a nation, nor is he going to be mayor of the capital city of a Muslim nation. And even if Trump were to say he now would allow Khan to enter the United States, that would only be because Khan was elected mayor.

This is the choice American voters face. The leader of the Republican Party, the man Republican voters have chosen to be their nominee for president, would not allow the mayor of the capital city of one of our closest allies to enter the United States.


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