Saturday, March 19, 2016

Trump's violence

From Robert Reich

The media are already condemning “both sides” for the violence at Trump rallies. “The anger from both sides [is] so raw … from supporters of Donald J. Trump who are terrified they are losing their country and from protesters who fear he is leading the nation down a dark road of hate — that [violence] was starting to look inevitable,” says the New York Times.

Wrong. That’s a false moral equivalence. Trump has clearly and intentionally incited violence. Some of his followers at his rallies have kicked, spit upon, and beaten non-violent protesters. The fact that more protesters have been drawn to his rallies in recent days, and that one person apparently stormed the stage in Ohio today, is not evidence of “anger from both sides” leading to violence.

Non-violent protest is an honored tradition in America. Non-violent protest against Donald Trump and the bigotry he has been fueling is entirely appropriate – indeed, it is admirable.

But everyone involved in these protests must remain non-violent, even if provoked. As we learned during the Civil Rights movement, this is [a] means of revealing to the rest of America the danger posed by hateful people – and the person who is fanning their hatred.

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