Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Republicans Swallowed By Tidal Wave Of Outrage After Obama Picks SCOTUS Nominee

By Sarah Jones on Wed, Mar 16th, 2016 at 12:15 pm

Moments after a humbled and visibly emotional Judge Merrick Garland introduced himself to the American public from the Rose Garden, the outrage over Republican obstruction began.

“We are 32 days past the death of Justice Scalia and President Obama has 311 days left in office,” Common Cause President Miles Rapoport said in a statement introducing the  Garland-Kennedy Countdown Clock . “In a similar situation, but with the parties reversed, a Democratic majority in the Senate confirmed Justice Anthony Kennedy in 1988, 84 days after his nomination by President Reagan. The vote was 97-0.”

Noting that  Senators from both parties met with and vetted Judge Merrick Garland and a three-fourths majority voted for his confirmation, the Common Cause President accused Republicans of not only snubbing the American people, but also the  judge, the President and the Constitution, “They are obstacles to progress and are not only snubbing the judge and the President, they’re shirking their sworn duty to ‘support and defend the Constitution’ and ‘faithfully discharge the duties’ of their offices. If employees don’t do their jobs, they get fired. Common Cause says unequivocally, Senate, Do Your Job!”

Republicans aren’t refusing to even hold hearings because Merrick Garland is some wild-eyed socialist. Oh no. The Judge is not a progressive, he is a centrist. Republicans are obstructing a centrist nominee because they are choosing to treat President Obama as if he were not the legitimate President of the United States, even though he was elected twice and won the popular vote each time.

“Senate Republicans knew Merrick Garland was a well-qualified jurist when they overwhelmingly confirmed him to the Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit – and they know it now,” said CREDO Political Director Murshed Zaheed.

“Judge Garland’s background does not suggest he will be a progressive champion and he is not the justice a conservative Republican would have nominated, but it is Pres. Obama’s Constitutional duty to nominate Supreme Court justices, and he is clearly qualified.” Zaheed continued. “It’s time for Senate Republicans to stop dodging their constitutional duty and confirm Judge Garland without delay.”

Credo has a petition demanding Republicans give a hearing to an Obama nominee, with over 256,000 signatures at the time of this writing. CREDO is also targeting Republican Senators for their willful refusal to do the job they are paid to do, including: Kelly Ayotte (NH), Ron Johnson (WI), Rob Portman (OH), Pat Toomey (PA), John McCain (AZ), Roy Blunt  (MO), Mitch McConnell (KY), Chuck Grassley (IA), Ted Cruz (TX) and Marco Rubio (FL).

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