Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Political posters

Fox News - denier of facts.

Women are always fighting for rights. Why do we treat them as property?

Citizens United was a BAD decision.

Ron Reagan on the Republican Party

Ronald Reagan on the Republican Party

Social Security and the GOP

You have to assume Republicans know they are wrong and are just acting out of pure, selfish greed.

Climate deniers in Congress

Equal pay for equal work.

Rejecting Donald Trump starter pack.

Trump-approved immigrants

The root of conservative ideology.

Lindsay Graham on Republican candidates.

Scarborough during one of his lucid moments. The next day he probably said the exact opposite.

The conservative battle-cry: "SOCIALISM!"

Donald Trump running for 2nd grade class president. He's the one at upper right.

Don't blind yourself to the fact that network news has created the Trump phenomenon - they all open every show with free advertising for him in the form of unchallenged news reports.

Warn the kiddies!

The result of voting Republican.

For those of you too young to remember, this is how women get their abortions when you try to make it illegal - and a lot of women are injured or die.

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