Friday, March 18, 2016

Corporations want to own your sorry ass and they don't give a shit about your well-being. Fuck you.

From Robert Reich

Today (March 10, 2016) is the fifth anniversary of the tragic meltdown at Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi plant, which has contaminated a large swath of the Pacific Ocean with radioactive material. You may recall that General Electric had marketed the Mark 1 boiling water reactor used in the plant -- as well as in sixteen American nuclear plants -- as a cheaper alternative to competing reactors because it used a smaller and less expensive containment structures. Yet the dangers associated with the Mark 1 reactor were already well known. In the mid-1980s, Harold Denton, an official with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, warned that Mark 1 reactors had a 90 percent probability of bursting if their fuel rods overheated and melted in an accident. A follow-up report from a study group convened by the NRC found that “Mark 1 failure within the first few hours following core melt would appear rather likely.”

So what has the NRC done since the Fukushima disaster? It set up a task force to recommend steps to safeguard U.S. nuclear plants, but then rejected or weakened all of the recommendations, and still hasn’t fully implemented any, according to a new report from the Union of Concerned Scientists. Why hasn’t the NRC required General Electric to improve the safety of its Mark 1 reactors? Perhaps because of General Electric’s political clout. In 2012, for example, its executives and PACs contributed almost $4 million to political campaigns (putting it sixty-third out of 20,766 companies) and it spent almost $19 million lobbying (the fifth highest lobbying tab of 4,372 companies). Moreover, 104 of its 144 lobbyists had previously held government posts.

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