Monday, March 21, 2016

As much as I admire Obama, he's been too big a friend of big business.

From Robert Reich

For years it’s been standard practice for Democratic candidates to give lip service to campaign finance reform while taking big money from corporations, Wall Street, and billionaires – arguing that until the system is fixed they can’t campaign with “one hand tied behind my back.” That’s what Barack Obama did and said in 2008, and it’s what Hillary Clinton is doing and saying now. But big money creates its own handcuffs, binding candidates to the moneyed interests.

Bernie is showing it’s possible to raise lots of money from small contributors and not be handcuffed to the moneyed interests. In fact, last month he raised more in small donors than Hillary Clinton did from all her donors, including corporate PACs and Wall Streeters. After his Michigan win, Bernie’s small-donor followers are contributing even more.

The system still needs radical reform, of course. The real lesson here is Democrats no longer have an acceptable excuse for taking big money. In fact, the only way to reform the system is with politicians who aren’t handcuffed to it.

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