Sunday, December 06, 2015

Things I Learned from Republicans in November:
From the party of intellectual responsibility...
The Egyptian pyramids were built by the biblical Joseph for storing grain. (Ben Carson)
Let's single out and database all American citizens who practice Islam in case we need to round them up.  Oh, and spy on the mosques, except the ones we decide to close outright. (Donald Trump andDonald Trump)
Mortar board and diploma
Texans should have a vote on seceding from the United States. (Texas Republican party committee member Tanya Robertson)
America's founding fathers had no political experience. (Ben Carson again)
Gay marriage will bring about the next financial collapse. (Pat Robertson)
Obama should be stripped of his salary and also his food. (Mike Huckabee)
We need a federal department of Judeo-Christian Values (John Kasich)
Thousands of New Jersey Muslims cheered as the World Trade Center towers fell on 9/11/01 (Trump again
Promiscuity is okey-dokey for my family, but not for thine. (Sarah Palin)
Thomas Jefferson crafted the U.S. Constitution. (Carson again)
Only Syrian refugees who can prove they're Christian should be allowed into the U.S. as refugees. (Jeb Bush
Russia is the greatest country on the planet. (Michael Savage)
God’s rulings are more legally binding than the Supreme Court’s rulings. (Marco Rubio)

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