Saturday, December 05, 2015

Shooting report - Guns remain a big problem


November 28, 2015: I'm an 18-year-old male. I was at home in a room full of people, playing with my 12 gauge shotgun, even loading it in front of everyone, when it “accidentally” or carelessly went off, killing my girlfriend's 7-month-old child. Now I'm sitting in jail, charged with criminally negligent homicide. Hope you all had a good Thanksgiving.

November 29th, 2015: So, went to the pistol range today and got shot by way of an “accident.” I say “accident” in quotes because there's really no such thing as an accidental shooting – it was careless behavior on someone's part, but the police haven't said who did it yet. At any rather, I got shot in the upper thigh and it hit an artery causing profuse bleeding – the police and the paramedics who responded probably saved my life.

November 27, 2015: Guns aren't really safe in ANYONE'S hands, but a 15-year-old like myself – well, I shouldn't have been playing with that gun in the back of our van parked outside a Walmart 'cause I just shot my mom in the back. She's probably going to be really pissed at me.

November 28th, 2015: Well, I'm still on the run. Shot my 6-year-old daughter last week and ran like a jack rabbit. She doesn't need me right now anyway – she's dead. It's a beautiful gun, though. It would be a shame to give it up.

November 28, 2015: I shot and killed my husband. I've got the cops half-convinced that it was an accident, but I'm still in the slammer charged with multiple crimes. I nailed him right in the middle of his chest. Good shot if I do say so myself.

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