Friday, November 20, 2015

House GOP Shows Their Unconditional Support For DAESH By Passing Bill

November 20, 2015
Nathaniel Downes

For al-Dawla al-Islamiya fi al-Iraq wa al-Sham, commonly called DAESH, the Islamic State or ISIS, today’s news out of Washington DC could not have been better. House Republicans, joined by 47 Democrats, voted for a bill designed to punish people attempting to flee the terrorism and horror of DAESH. That bill, HR. 4038, is exactly what DAESH could hope for to further enable their reign of terror.

To gain access to a safer life in the United States, the Syrian refugees require a special voucher by the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigations delivered personally to the Secretary of Homeland Security and the Director of National Intelligence.
The bill makes it that much harder for any person fleeing the violence caused by the US invasion of Iraq, and the resulting rise of DAESH, to seek asylum in America. These persons are now all but prohibited from entering the United States.

To gain access to a safer life in the United States, the Syrian refugees require a special voucher by the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigations delivered personally to the Secretary of Homeland Security and the Director of National Intelligence. This is in addition to the existing refugee screening process, which has already proven itself incredibly effective — And despite no terrorist acts being associated with any of the thousands of Syrian and Iraqi refugees already within the United States.

By making it so that the FBI director now must personally certify each refugee, the last step for turning the agency into a full Secret Police is now in place. Already the FBI is part of a secret court system operating without civil oversight. The FBI can pick someone up and drop them in a black site where they then are tortured. Even execution of innocent people is now routine for the FBI. By now requiring the FBI director’s personal interdiction to allow refugees to enter, it completes the pattern, and renders the agency no longer reflecting the ideals upon which it was founded.

DAESH Has Friends In High Places

The bill was passed in response to the terrorist attacks in France by French nationals and colonials. The terrorists planted fake or stolen Syrian passports with the intent to create a false impression of Syrian attackers in Paris. As this deception was quickly discovered, it could not be a factor in the bill’s passage. Already the US has authorized supplies to Syrian rebels, supplies which fall into DAESH hands with alarming regularity.

In passing this bill, the Republicans in the House, along with 47 Democrats, have given their tacit approval of DAESH by denying a safe haven for those fleeing from the Syrian war zone. Their actions now force Syrian refugees to accept their fate. It also bolsters DAESH in the long-term. At this point, the Republicans have declared which side they are on, and it is not the side of peace nor the side of the victim. By slamming the doors shut in the face of helpless victims, these politicians have declared that the United States is now DAESH’s newest ally in the world.

There can be no moral high ground from this point, and all claims of being “Good Christians” are disgustingly false and meaningless.

“For the Lord your God…loves the strangers, providing them food and clothing. You shall also love the stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt.” – Deuteronomy 10:18-19

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