Friday, September 18, 2015

Checking in with the conservative posters

This one has become quite popular among the conservative set on FaceBook. Even some of my relatives have posted it.

I can remember being spanked only twice as a child. And I spanked my daughter - only once. It made me feel so horrible that here I was, a full-grown adult, taking out my anger on a small child, that I never did it again. She too respects other people. And she is a liberal - respectful of everyone's rights and not a visible bigoted bone in her body.

Being simple-minded, as most conservatives are, they somehow connect the beatings with a "respect for other people". And yet - how many of them engage in fighting - in bigotry - in loving war and violence - in the unlimited ownership of guns? Do they even know what it means to be respectful of other people? I doubt it.

I doubt their sincerity. I doubt the cause-effect relationship that they lay claim to. Research has shown that what spanking has taught these children is that the solution to problems you are having trouble controlling is beatings. We learn what we are taught.

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