Saturday, July 18, 2015

Here are 5 American sex norms Europeans think are crazy

[It is mostly due to the strong influence of religion that we in America worship violence and war while disparaging sexs and love.  Bozo]
Anna Pulley, AlterNet
11 JUL 2015 AT 07:35 ET                  
Europeans tend to see a lot of American ideals and behaviors as bizarre. In particular, they aren’t wild about our politics and our food (though they love our television and our movies). And when it comes to sex? Well, Europeans tend to view us as the land of the free, home of the batshit crazy. Below are some of the biggest sexual WTFs Europeans have about America.

1. Extreme violence in the media is fine, just don’t show a nipple.

2. Our puritan prudery.

3. Our fear of hugs.

4. Our anti-abortion violence.

5. Our preference for circumcision.
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