Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Obamacare enrollments for 2015 confirm, red states have the most to lose from Supreme Court

[That ruling is going to be VERY interesting. ---Bozo]
Rss@dailykos.com (joan Mccarter)
Wednesday, March 11, 2015, 2:08 pm
The latest Obamacare enrollment numbers from the administration confirm again that it will be people living in Republican-led states that will suffer the most if the Supreme Court strikes down subsidies to people buying insurance on the federal exchange. Specifically, millions of residents of Florida, North Carolina, and Texas could lose their subsidies, and their insurance, if the court rules against the government and the states would lose millions.
In Florida, about 1.6 million people who picked a plan on the federal site were eligible for financial assistance, according to the new report. In Texas, more than one million were eligible; in North Carolina, more than 550,000; and in Pennsylvania, more than 430,000.
Of course, the ramifications aren't limited just to those receiving subsidies to purchase individual insurance. Losing those customers, as they surely would when premiums become far too expensive without the subsidies, would mean insurers would have to hike premiums on everyone buying in the individual market.
"Holy shit, that's chaos," said Robert Laszewski, a health policy consultant in D.C. "What's ironic here is not only will the Republicans be screwing up the insurance for poor people on the Obamacare exchange, they'll be screwing up health insurance for rich people in Texas who happen to be in the individual market."
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