Saturday, March 07, 2015

Arkansas horror story: Republican lawmaker gave up adopted 6-year-old to man who then raped her

David Ferguson
05 Mar 2015 at 12:09 ET                  
An Arkansas Republican state representative is facing serious scrutiny after he apparently "rehomed" his adopted daughters to a household where one of the girls, age 6, was raped by the father. Furthermore, Rep. Justin Harris is accused of continuing to take state funds intended for the girls' care even after his family had given them away.
Wonkette reported on an Arkansas Times exposé about Harris and the Christian pre-school he runs with his wife, a school that employed the sexual predator who raped the 6-year-old girl.
When the Times asked Harris why he handed over his adopted daughter to a sexual predator without ever consulting state authorities or the foster care system, the legislator quoted the Christian Bible's Book of Isaiah, saying, "No weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you."
He then said, "You don't know what we've been through this past year. You have no idea what my family has been through. I don't care what the people of Arkansas think about me. I don't care if I lose my position. I care what my wife thinks about me, and I care what my three sons think about me."
The situation has reopened scrutiny of the Harris family's Christian daycare center, Growing God's Kingdom Preschool. The pre-kindergarten has run afoul of authorities in the past for taking state and federal subsidies intended for non-religious institutions. Now, as some in Arkansas are pointing out, Harris is making headlines for trying to eliminate government benefits to immigrants, benefits that his preschool heavily relies on.
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