Tuesday, February 03, 2015

Truly a Brilliant Move

Josh Marshall
Friday, January 30, 2015, 12:35 am
We learn that Israeli PM Netanyahu's decision to enter the Speech Pact with John Boehner is going so brilliantly that Netanyahu's been hitting the phones with top congressional Democrats to try to make nice and end the controversy. And according to this Times article, it isn't going very well. Netanyahu has reached out to Reid and Pelosi and had both tell him he's making a mistake. Indeed, this article says Netanyahu game-playing with John Boehner has had the effect of pushing Senate towards the White House on the Iran sanctions bill. So even on the terms of his own notional priorities, Netanyahu's gambit has been an abject failure in terms of Iran policy while adding the benefit of turning both Democrats and a significant portion of American Jewry against him.

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