Monday, February 16, 2015

This is probably the most hypocritical thing any public figure has said in the last 100 years.

Pope: Opting not to have children a 'selfish choice'

David Gibson, Religion News Service 10:15 a.m. EST February 11, 2015
VATICAN CITY - Less than a month after sparking controversy for saying Catholics don't have to multiply "like rabbits," Pope Francis has once again praised big families, telling a gathering in St. Peter's Square on Wednesday that having more children is not "an irresponsible choice."
He also said that opting not to have children at all is "a selfish choice."
A society that "views children above all as a worry, a burden, a risk, is a depressed society," Francis said.
Citing European countries where the fertility rate is especially low, the pope said "they are depressed societies because they don't want children. They don't have children. The birth rate doesn't even reach 1%."
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