Friday, February 14, 2014

Questions for you to work on today

Cheers and Jeers: Wednesday (Click on this heading to view the original post) (bill In Portland Maine)
Wednesday, February 12, 2014, 8:23 am
? + ? = ?

When I run out of answers I ask questions:
    •    Is the tea party "outrage" over the House's clean debt ceiling vote as phony as their overinflated tea party rally crowd estimates?
    •    Is Senator Elizabeth Warren living up to our freakishly impossible expectations of her, or what?
    •    Why'd ya do it, Christie? Why'd ya do it?
    •    Is this fucking winter dragging ass?
    •    Would the House of Representatives be more useful to the country if it was rented out as a banquet hall until Democrats win it back?
    •    Have the fracking-related earthquakes stopped…or are they just old news to the media until cars start getting swallowed?
    •    Does it bother anyone else that we don't have a national backup plan for what to do if we lose gravity?
    •    Is it still not a good time to ask Iraq to make good on Dick Cheney's promise to America that they would one day greet us as liberators with sweets and flowers?
    •    Am I the greatest living practitioner of false choice, or are you a stain on the fabric of humanity?
    •    If we had to spend a bunch of money to divert an asteroid heading straight toward us, would Republicans force us to offset it with cuts in domestic programs first?
    •    Is your answer to this question always going to be no?
    •    Does anyone else spend half the day checking word spellings on Google because your own computer's spellchecker seems to have a drinking procklrm?
    •    Is this the day Pope Francis releases the kraken?
Those oughtta keep us busy for awhile. Me, anyway.

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