Monday, February 10, 2014

How ridiculous are laws that allow this?

Kansas Sen. Pat Roberts Doesn't Actually Live In Kansas (Click on this heading to read the original post)

Daniel Strauss - February 7, 2014, 3:18 PM EST11695
Sen. Pat Roberts (R-KS) does not have a home in his home state of Kansas and, when he needs an address in the state, uses one that belongs to two donors.
According to The New York Times, Roberts, who is facing a primary challenge from tea party favorite Milton Wolf, uses the address of donors C. Duane and Phyllis Ross for voter registration and a place to sleep occasionally when he travels to the state.
"I have full access to the recliner," Roberts told the newspaper of the home in Dodge City, Kansas. "Nobody knows the state better than I do."
Roberts and his wife, a real estate broker, own a home in Alexandria, Virginia.

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