Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Chirs Christie's woes deepen

Christie's Last Apologist Folds (Click on this heading to read more and see some good photos)

Mon Feb 10, 2014 at 08:53 PM PST
The question for weeks hasn't been will Christie run for President, rather when will he resign and can he stay out of prison.
Throughout this scandal, Christie's strongest apologists have been Morning Blow's news team of Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski.
These two had been tireless promoters of Christie, attacking every outlet reporting straight news on the scandal, attacking viewers on Twitter, attacking their own employers (MSNBC), at one point, even calling Bridgegate a left wing Benghazi (ie fake scandal).  This morning they folded, and they're now they're calling Christie a liar.
This Scandal has legs
Today they were discussing the weekend news that Christie has become radioactive with Republican candidates and Christie's ludicrous denial that he had nothing to do with the not-ready-for-prime-time attacks on David Wildstein.
Reading the headline that Christie never read the statement attacking Wildstein's high school record, Brzezinski asked incredulously, and with dejection in her voice, "how is the possible". 
Scarborough jumped in, "there's no way he didn't see it".  He went further, saying he didn't believe Christie's claims that he didn't know about the traffic nightmare when it was occurring.  He twisted himself into a pretzel saying Christie wasn't behind the traffic jam, but Christie had to know the world's busiest bridge had turned into a parking lot.
When you've lost Morning Blow, you've lost the Corporate Media Industrial Complex.

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