Sunday, November 10, 2013

Using guns to protect our homes

Homeowner Stands His Ground, Shoots Teen Seeking Help As She Walked Away (Click on this headline to read more)

Less than two months after Charlotte police shot and killed an unarmed man who was looking for help after having a car accident, a Michigan teen is dead under similar circumstances, shot in the back of the head as she was walking off the porch of a home where she reportedly sought help late at night.

Renisha McBride, a 19-year-old from Detroit, is presumed to have been asking for help when she knocked on the door of a Dearborn Heights home at 2:30 A.M. on Saturday. McBride's family says the teen had been in a car accident and her cellphone wasn't working. Rather than asking McBride what she wanted, or even simply dialing "911," the homeowner came outside and shot her in the head with a shotgun. According to Renisha's aunt, she had already turned to walk or run away from the home, as the bullet entered the back of her head.

Police reports say the teenager was found dead on the home's front porch.

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