Saturday, November 09, 2013

LA Times letter to the editor on gun control makes sense...

You can find the original post HERE.

Rather than confronting the real problem — the easy availability and ubiquitous presence of guns in our society — arming some Transportation Security Administration agents would be yet another step toward a quasi-militarized society.
It was not long ago that the representatives of the arms merchants were calling for armed teachers in our classrooms.
The widespread availability of guns has begun to limit the freedom of law-abiding citizens to go about their daily lives. We have reached the point where a trip to the mall, the airport or a courtroom might become a desperate battle to escape the crossfire.
Ironically, even as the National Rifle Assn. invokes freedom, our freedom to go about our business is being assaulted and curtailed by multiple layers of armed groups.We must intelligently confront the threat to our freedom that firearms represent in our country, as every gun owner is law-abiding until he isn't.
Alfred Sils
Woodland Hills

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