Sunday, November 17, 2013

Is it necessary to be insane to be delusional about mythical Gods?

Illinois bishop to hold prayers of 'supplication and exorcism' against 'evil' marriage equality (Click on this headline to see the original post)

Or you could just get over it already.
I think the good bishop here may have gone a bit off his rocker on this one:
The head of Springfield’s Roman Catholic diocese said Thursday he will preside over a prayer service of “supplication and exorcism” next Wednesday to counteract Gov. Pat Quinn’s enactment that day of same-sex marriage in Illinois.

Bishop Thomas John Paprocki, leader of the Catholic Diocese of Springfield, said marriage between gays and lesbians is a union that “comes from the devil and should be condemned as such.” [...]

“All politicians now have the moral obligation to work for the repeal of this sinful and objectionable legislation. We must pray for deliverance from this evil which has penetrated our state and our church.”
I would say the American Catholic Church (my old church, have I mentioned that lately?) still has a good decade or two of patching up to do before they are allowed to comment on other people's sex lives at all, much less who may or may not be in need of a good exorcism, but if Bishop Pappy really wants to make a stink over who is or is not under the influence of the devil, he is welcome to do that. Let's just get it all out on the table—then the wider public can decide on their own who the crazy people in the room might be. Is it the couple who have been living together for 20 years who want to share a tax return, or is it the robed man flinging holy water in an effort to stop them?

[I guess it goes without saying - because Hunter doesn't say it - that the Catholic Church needs to clear up it's own history of sexual abuses before it decides who is in league with Satan and who isn't. Still having sex with little boys? - Bozo]

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