Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Health care - What Would Jesus Do?

Southern Christian Ministers Betray Christ by Ignoring Health Insurance for the Poor (Click on this heading to read more)

what would jesus do

Your Daily Dose of BuzzFlash at Truthout, via my pal Mark Karlin:

...Red States adopting the total GOP assault on the Affordable Care Act (ACA) refused to accept federal funds for expanding Medicaid eligibility, leaving many of their citizens without coverage that they could receive under the act.  But the Republican politics of damning anything associated with the ACA as the work of the devil has left many white and minority Americans in healthcare Hell.
Ironically, CNN notes that "most of the people who fall into the coverage gap live in the Bible Belt, a 14-state region in the South stretching from North Carolina to Texas and Florida." Yet, and this is why this GOP political act of condemning individuals, families and children to death or bankruptcy becomes relevant to religion. [...]

CNN did find a pastor or two who would go on record:

The Rev. Phil Wages, senior pastor Winterville First Baptist Church in Georgia and a blogger, was one of the few Bible Belt ministers willing to speak on the subject. [...]

“I have an issue with the government coming in to get money through me - through taxes - to take care of people, when my argument is that I should be free to give to charities or to my church in order to take care of the sick and destitute,” he says.

The most fundamental rebuttal to the argument of Rev. Wages is then why are so many millions of Americans without healthcare insurance if the churches are taking care of them?

[Note - does the Rev. Wages even pay taxes? I'll bet he doesn't.]

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