Monday, November 11, 2013

Conservatives move to take over our nation's schools.

All the better to indoctrinate our children.

Rich white kids: The wave of the charter school future? (Click on this headline to read more)

The conservative think tanks and big money behind corporate education policy decided years ago to brand charter schools and vouchers as a new civil rights movement, there for the benefit of underprivileged kids. The reality has always been different, with scandal after scandal finding charter schools not accepting as many kids with disabilities, English Language Learners, poor kids, and others who might be a challenge. But there's a particularly gross movement now toward charter schools that are really designed for rich white kids:

At the 16 campuses that Great Hearts operates in the Phoenix area (where nearly 60 percent of public school students are Hispanic or black), 69 percent of the nearly 7,000 students are white. Only two of Great Hearts’ Arizona campuses participate in a federal program that offers free and reduced-price meals for low-income students. Of the almost 5,000 Basis students in Phoenix, Tucson and Scottsdale, roughly 12 percent are Hispanic and 2 percent are black. None of the eight campuses offer free and reduced-price meals, which is also the case at the San Antonio school

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