Saturday, November 16, 2013

A religious leader with a clue...

It's too bad he is still focused on spreading stories about a fictional God, but hey - he seems to be doing some good.

Looks Like The Pope Is Against Fracking (Click on this headline to read more)

This is not going to go over too well with the "let's destroy the world so Jesus will get here faster" crowd, but it's good if Pope Francis is on our side with this:

Not to be outdone by folk rocker Emily Saliers of the Indigo Girls who recently said, “Fracking is a huge, huge problem,” Pope Francis seems to be joining a growing global anti-fracking movement.
A photo posted to Twitter shows the Pope with two men holding a no fracking t-shirt:

Photoshopped? Not according to Foreign Policy, which reports:

The photographs were taken after a meeting in the Vatican on Monday in which the Pope spoke with a group of Argentine environmental activists to discuss fracking and water contamination. He reportedly told the group he is preparing an encyclical -- a letter addressing a part of Catholic doctrine -- about nature, humans, and environmental pollution.

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