Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The voter-fraud witch hunt

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Florida's Fraudulent Voting Witch Hunt Produces a "Shocking" Number of Cases - All Republican
September 7, 2013 By Allen Clifton

The issue of voter fraud and new restrictive voter ID laws has taken this country by storm the last couple of years.  Republican legislatures all across the country have taken "a stand against voter fraud" and passed highly restrictive new laws which they claim will reduce the possibility of fraudulent voting.

It just so happens that Florida, with their Republican Governor Rick Scott, is one of these states claiming strict voter ID laws are needed to prevent the possibility of rampant voter fraud.
Well, an investigation by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement has concluded, and their findings are absolutely stunning.

Upon concluding their investigation, they reported a staggering-two cases of voter registration fraud.
Yes, after several months of investigation following the 2012 elections, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement found a whopping two cases of actual voter registration fraud.

Oh, and the kicker?  The two cases consisted of two voter registration forms fraudulently filled out by a man who worked for the Republican party.  He admitted to stealing the identity of his former girlfriend's ex-husband and filling out the two forms.

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