Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Religious beliefs

The BELIEVE in their religion, but can they LIVE what they believe? Not really.

Click HERE to read more.

In News by Rebecca O'Neal Sep 4, 2013

Atheist murdered after heated religious debate with God-fearing friend

Some topics are pretty universally agreed to be in poor taste for polite discussion in mixed company, politics and religion among them. A debate about the latter tragically ended in the shooting death of 25-year-old atheist "Dzuy Duhn Phan after a night of partying and playing video games."

From CBS San Francisco:

    "Yim killed 25-year-old Dzuy Duhn Phan after a night of partying and playing video games. Another friend, Paul Park, testified the two men had engaged in a heated discussion about God.

    Yim became enraged and grabbed his gun after Phan asked Yim where God was when Yim's father died of a stroke several years earlier.

    Yim shot Phan at least six times… faces 126 years to life in prison."

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