Tuesday, September 17, 2013

An attack on Syria is ill-advised

Obama seeks to violate UN charter with congressional blessing

Jack Balkin wrote:
Under the U.N. Charter, it is illegal for member states to attack each other because they claim another state is violating international law unless they are acting in self-defense or unless they are authorized to do so by a Security Council resolution. There is no such resolution with respect to Syria. The whole point of the Charter is to keep (for example) Russia from attacking (for example) Israel because Russia claims that Israel is violating international law.  What goes for Russia attacking Israel also goes for the United States attacking Syria

This story is being under-reported in the press.  Imagine a New York Times headline that read:
Obama seeks to violate United Nations Charter: Asks Congress's Blessing.
But that is exactly what is happening.  Obama may say that he is just trying to enforce international norms, but he is doing it by violating article 2(4) of the United Nations Charter.  To invoke a metaphor from another war, he is destroying the village in order to save it.

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