Monday, June 10, 2013

The NSA wiretapping - a national tragedy.

I don't know all of the facts - the particulars - but as I see it from what is on the front page, Edward Snowden, like Bradley Manning, is a national hero. The release of the details of our government spying on American citizens without due process is important and points out that the real patriot is Snowden and the real traitors are George Bush, Barack Obama and Congress. If our nation survives as a true democracy, in a hundred years or so they'll look back on the loss of protection from the snooping of our government as a significant failure of those elected to protect the constitution.

On the news this morning they reported that the President said that they weren't spying on Americans, they were just collecting data on us.  Is he really freakin' nuts? Does he think that we don't understand that spying is all about the collection of data? Jesus H. Christ, that was a dumb thing to say.

From Forward Progressives
(Click on the link to read more)

The Worst Scandal of Our Time is the Disappearance of our Fourth Amendment Rights as Citizens

Which begs the ultimate question, "What exactly happened to our Fourth Amendment rights?" We gave them away, that's what happened. We've given in to apathy in the name of "national security," and as a result we've seen the Fourth Amendment slowly disappear from existence with help from all three branches of government.

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