Thursday, June 06, 2013

Stop the NRA

If any of you are interested, there's a new web site focused on trying to get to some meaningful gun control. I just checked it out and it is very well done.

Democratic donor Kenneth Lerer adds more clout to gun-reform movement with launch of StoptheNRA
As part of a tougher, more determined movement intent on tightening gun restrictions, venture capitalist Kenneth Lerer launched a new initiative Wednesday that will zero in on the National Rifle Association's extremist agenda. Included is a website, StoptheNRA, jam-packed with videos, news and action links about guns, as well as a place to sign up and participate. Greg Sargent writes:
“The point of StopTheNRA is to post and create viral content and put it all in one place to bring ongoing attention to the outrageous positions of the NRA and to continue to bring pressure on the issues,” Lerer tells me. Lerer, you may recall, is one of several top donors who has vowed to withhold contributions from Democrats who vote against gun control. Lerer says his effort will include targeted contributions to Dems who are good on gun issues and organizing among other top Dem donors to encourage them to withhold from Dems who toe the NRA line.

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