Saturday, June 08, 2013

Republicans want you shooting and killing.

At least their actions make it look that way. Check this out...

From Daily Kos...
(Click on the link to read more)

CDC now has a blueprint for gun-related research.

Back in January, President Barack Obama responded to the elementary school slaughter in Newtown, Connecticut, with 23 orders intended to reduce gun violence. One of those directed the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other scientific agencies to "conduct or sponsor research into the causes of gun violence and the ways to prevent it."

Right-wingers, under the guiding hand of the National Rifle Association, had successfully intimidated the CDC away from research into the prevention of gun violence in 1996. In fact, since then, the budget for such research has been reduced by 96 percent. Thus, when someone seeks to bolster a point of view with hard data, valuable information that research might have generated simply isn't available and people can, and do, make up their own "facts."

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