Friday, June 07, 2013

Clueless Republicans

Seriously? He doesn't get it? Seriously?
(Click on the link to read more)

From Daily Kos...

Ah, the good old days, back when Chuck Grassley mattered. He's so sad that's all changed.

    "During that period of time, the president would call me on my cellphone and talk to me. I don't know if it was a half a dozen times or a dozen times, but enough so you remember he called you," Grassley said.

    The relationship unraveled after a meeting at the White House in August 2009.

    "We had a meeting down at the White House about Aug. 5, 2009-the six of us-and he asked me this question: 'Would you be willing to be one or two or three Republicans voting with the Democrats to get a bipartisan bill?' and I said, 'No,' " Grassley recalled.

    "I never had a phone call from him since," Grassley added.

You know what that means? It means that Obama is "the most stonewalling president this country has ever had." At least in Grassley's sad, sad little life. But that's not the most pathetic part of this story in The Hill. This is:

    The lack of communication between the Iowa Republican and the president is an indication that Obama's new "charm offensive" with Republicans on Capitol Hill has come up short.

Yep. The problem is that Obama just hasn't been charming enough.

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