
Friday, August 17, 2012

Politics, images and commentary

Republicans - they believe in every side of every issue when they feel it is convenient.
The hypocrisy of the Republicans does not have a measurable limit.

We continue, as a nation, to subsidize low-paying industries by providing welfare for their underpaid minions. Make them pay a living wage!

Even the Republicans don't like their policies and candidates. Here Newt Gingrich addresses Mitt Romney.

As long as I live - and that won't be all that long in terms of the existence of our galaxy - I'll never understand why the poor and the minorities would EVER vote Republican.

Obama quoted on fairness in taxation.

Is our nation's problem primarily "civil obedience?"

Recognizing the REAL burden on the U.S economy.

A lot of pundits are saying that it's time for Obama to own the problems that he inherited because he hasn't fixed them.  Al the while, he's been stuck with a "do-nothing" Congress.

Here's a great idea for solving the immigration problem - and we'd get our vegetables picked.

Ron Paul - Mr. Libertarian - says he hates government - has made a fortune out of serving in Congress. He only hates it for everyone else.

Keep your church and religious beliefs out of my government. Don't like abortions? Don't have one. Don't like morning-after pill? Don't take one. You get the idea.

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