
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Political images and commentary - liberal style

How relevant are the Republicans?

Mitt Rmoney does not really know what he's saying most of the time - it's pretty much all just a talking point.

When Mitt Rmoney ran Massachusetts.

Mitt Romney will bring his business experience of doing nothing for a lot of money to the White House.

When the wealthy get control (see Citizens United), everything (including your freedoms) is for sale.

Plutocracy - rule (government) of, by and for the wealthy.

10 things you should know about taxation during the past 3.5 years.

When religion takes control of your beliefs, lots of people get hurt.

If Republicans worked as diligently on job creation as they do on restricting women's rights, we'd have lower unemploymnet.

There are plenty of these poorly spelled political signs around - both sides have their share of careless and intellectually challenged supporters.

Jon Stewart addresses the personal liberty Supreme Court.

Bill Maher points out the fact that the media isn't balanced and that they're not doing their job by remaining neutral.

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