Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Not a Penny From Me

You can read more of this story on the blog from which I stole it, Boing Boing.

Before you give any money to the Salvation Army this year, remember, they run a program where kids are only given toys if they can present a valid birth certification or immigration papers, so that the children of illegal immigrants are punished for their parents' deeds. At Christmas. While other kids are given toys. That your donation paid for.

In a year when more families than ever have asked for help, several programs providing Christmas gifts for needy children require at least one member of the household to be a U.S. citizen. Others ask for proof of income or rely on churches and schools to suggest recipients.

The Salvation Army and a charity affiliated with the Houston Fire Department are among those that consider immigration status, asking for birth certificates or Social Security cards for the children...

Aren't the supporters of Christianity such "wonderful" people?

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