Saturday, April 11, 2009

Election Do-Overs

In the wake of AG Eric Holder dismissing all charges against Alaska Senator Ted Stevens because of misconduct of Bush appointed Attorneys, Sarah Palin called for a new election for Alaska Senator. Do note: The fact that the charges against Stevens were dismissed is not evidence of the fact that the guy wasn't a crook - he probably was still crooked as Lombard Street in San Francisco. But Daily Kos had a great post on all of this. I'll get you started, but click the link at the bottom of this post to read it all...

In the spirit of the demand by Sarah Palin and the Alaska GOP that there by a do-over of November's U.S. Senate election, here's the top 10 elections that should have been done-over:

  1. Gore-Bush, 2000: Because even though Gore won, Bush somehow became president.
  1. Kerry-Bush, 2004: Because the media didn't grow a spine until Hurricane Katrina happened in 2005.
  1. FL-16, 2004: Because voters didn't know that Mark Foley was into underage pages.

    Click here to finish the list.

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