From Gawker. Click the link to
This month has seen three alarming and remarkable scientific investigations into Americans' inexplicable habit of voting for George Bush and John McCain.
Conservatives Are Scared A Lot - Rice University Political Scientist John Alford published some research in the creatively named journal Science about a possible biological basis to liberalism and conservatism.
Conservatives Refuse to Believe "Facts" - Brendan Nyhan and Jason Reifler's backfire effect study
Conservatives Have An Entirely Different Moral Code - Jonathan Haidt, a psychologist, wrote a lengthy anthropological investigation into why people vote for Republicans. ... Liberals and college students define morality as "how we treat each other," conservatives attach more significance to "supporting essential institutions, and living in a sanctified and noble way." Liberals recognize fairness and care as important moral virtues, conservatives add to that loyalty, respect for authority, and duty.
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