
Monday, May 18, 2020

A letter to members of the GOP

"Dear Republicans,
We are headed for divorce so we need to have 'the talk.' I'm sorry this is going to be rather uncomfortable but this is your intervention. You've become abusive to the point where you keep doing things to hurt everyone and this violent abuse is going to end one way or another because you're destroying our country. Your quest to 'own the libs' is coming to an end one way or another whether you like it or not.
You're not even pretending that you care about America anymore. A bunch of you are toting guns to state capitols to protest shelter-at-home orders from Democrat governors. Protesting is as American as apple pie. You don't like being confined, we get it. We don't like it anymore than you do but we're not toting guns to make any points. Can't you make a point without the implied threat of violence?
We are aware that you don't like being called racists and that you have made racism disappear by simply declaring you aren't racist, hallelujah. The thing is that your words never seem to support your actions. About a week ago, a bunch of you, meaning Trump supporters, were protesting Illinois governor Jay Pritzker's stay-at-home order. The problem from our perspective was two-fold. The first thing again is that you felt the need to bring guns to a protest. Is putting on a mask that much of an inconvenience really? Are wearing seatbelts tyranny? Because the rest of us are having trouble understanding your grievance.
But the more disconcerting part of your 'protest' was that you all also brought a bunch of nazi flags and were wearing regalia with swastikas on it. Was that really necessary? Governor Pritzker is Jewish so you can understand why some of us might have a problem with such a protest right? Are we really wrong thinking you are racists?
What's even more bothersome after watching Trump call the nazis in Charlottesville who were chanting 'Jews will not replace us' "very fine people" is that there were a bunch of Klansman there too, including David Duke who is a fervent Trump supporter. So when we say that you are racists, we do have the evidence to prove it because none of you 'non racist' Republicans were out there defending your party or divorcing it from these nazis and klansman.
Just to remind you of a couple of things, we went to war against both the racist confederates and the racists nazis and newsflash, we won. So why pray tell do you continue to allow these racists to fester in your party if you are not racists? More importantly why aren't any of you protesting against them? Can you explain to the rest of us why being anti-fascist is a bad thing? Because the rest of us really want to know why *you* are not anti-fascists because whenever the right-wing ideology goes unchecked, bad things tend to happen lest you forget.
That brings me to another point of contention between us; why have you embraced stupidity as a virtue? Have you actually ever wondered why exactly 98% of the National and Royal Academies of scientists are liberals? If your Republican philosophy has merit and probity as you claim, why is the leader of your party suggesting that we inject disinfectants and bleach while running a bright light up our keesters to kill the Rona?
For us, we see you all being quiet as a mouse as tacit acceptance of the full batshittery of Trump. And don't say you're not either because there were numerous people who actually tried this Trump 'therapy' and ended up in the hospital. They were not 'libtards' either. They were Trump voters.
Are the smarter people among you not so horrified by your fellow Republicans' actions that you would not divorce yourself entirely from a party with morons like that and nazi flag bearers? Because the sane people in America really scratch our heads and wonder what the attraction is to a party with that many depraved lunatics in it. Are you not lunatics as well? That's what you look like to the rest of us and we are sick of it.
There are two problems that are causing grave concerns amongst those of us who would like to see our union survive that you are going to have to do some work on if we are going to move past this horror show you have unleashed on the world.
One of the most aggravating things you do is demonstrate your wretched hypocrisy and all of us are beyond sick of the 'do as I say not as I do' ethos that you unleash every election cycle. For instance, you all would not shut up about how horrible it was that Hillary used a private email server. It was never hacked but that didn't keep you all from shouting at the top of your lungs that she had put our national security at risk. So why aren't you at full froth about Nicki Haley, Ivanka, and Jared using gmail to conduct government business?
If President Obama was firing Inspectors General left and right as Trump is, would you all be as silent as you are now? What if Obama was having private meetings with Putin without a single American in the room, would you be okay with that? Or would you be jumping up and down like a bunch of monkeys on meth?
If President Obama had stolen the money from a veteran's 'charity' he founded to use for his campaign and was in turn forbidden to ever run a charity again, would you be as quiet as you are about Trump doing it? Why does your outrage meter only flow one way?
I mean, if you want a better country, should you also criticize the people you elect? You know, so we have good governance? Or is that also out the window along with whatever was left of your 'ethics and morals'?
You love claiming that you are 'pro-life' but you consistently vote for people who want to cut food programs for poor children. You don't want 'socialism's' health care but you have no problem with bailing out farmers who are losing billions from Trump's trade war. Farmers were making billion dollar profits from trade with China and now we are borrowing money from China to pay farmers not to sell their crops to China and we are paying them less than before and when Trump says 'China is paying the tariffs' you don't even blink at that incredulous lie. We're paying them, all of them. Is that the business model you wanted when you pulled that lever for Trump?
While scratching your head about that, please explain to us why the greatest economic boons in our history have occurred under FDR, Clinton and Obama and the worst economic disasters have all happened under Republicans like Hoover, Reagan, Bush and now Trump? How many more times do we have to have a national disaster before you wake up to the fact that Republican presidents are the worst for our economy?
How many more times do Republicans have to completely fail at governance before you stop behaving like petulant children trying to own the libs and stop voting for these miscreants? Are failed actors and businessmen all you can come up with anymore?
We have the most infections and the most deaths from COVID than any other nation and we have not even begun to flatten the curve nationally. Somehow South Korea with a much higher population density got their first reports of coronavirus on the same day as us. Hong Kong wasn't far behind. They didn't even have a curve, it never happened because they squashed it immediately doing the only thing that could be done since there is no therapeutic or vaccine. South Korea had 159 deaths from COVID and Hong Kong has had 4.
So why are we approaching 100,000 dead and 2 million infections? Are we more apt to be infected? The reason why we have the most deaths and infections is because the reality show failed businessman moron you put in the White House didn't do a damn thing to stop the spread because he doesn't listen to experts and he thinks warmer weather makes pathogens 'magically disappear.'
Every other country on the planet has taken serious measures to stop the spread of coronavirus except us and that is why we have the awesome death toll that we have. And there are your comrades toting guns and flying nazis flags saying we need to open up the country. When your party's brain trust is full of people who did not take a biology class because they were too busy burning crosses, then it's time to change your brain trust or your affiliation because this doesn't end well for you.
Speaking as a Californian from Kentucky now, it's a bitter pill for us to swallow that just 5% of the population controls 40% of the senate. We're also beyond sick of listening to red-state rednecks talk about how awful it is here while you greedily take our tax money because you all can't seem to run a single state in the union that's in the black.
You are the welfare queens and it is past time for you all to start pulling your own weight. We are the 5th largest economy in the world and because of the anti-democratic finger you keep giving us with your electoral college crookery, we are thinking about divorcing ourselves from the union you keep trying to destroy by voting for Republicans because you're either too stupid or too busy trying to 'own the libs' to vote in your own interests!
So take this how you will, the seas of change are swelling come hell or high water and we will bring hell in November. Your penance will be a permanent minority until you again embrace the America ideals we believe in as responsible citizens. Your craven recklessness and stupidity has awoken a giant and filled it with the most terrible resolve to banish your primitive and antiquated politics from the body politic.
"All empires fall, there are no exceptions.'' Oscar Wilde"

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