
Thursday, May 16, 2019

Abortion in America, explained in 10 facts

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An activist with the Handmaids Coalition of Georgia stands outside the Georgia Capitol after an event protesting the recently passed “heartbeat” bill on May 16, 2019, in Atlanta, Georgia.
As anti-abortion laws sweep the country, a lot of people have questions. Here are some answers.

Four states have passed “heartbeat” bills this year alone, banning abortion as early as six weeks into pregnancy. Alabama just passed a near-total ban on abortion at any stage of pregnancy, with no exceptions for rape or incest.

And on Thursday, Missouri moved a step closer to passing a ban on abortion at eight weeks’ gestation, also without exceptions for rape or incest — the bill passed the state Senate and now returns to the House for approval.

As legislation to restrict abortion moves forward around the country, many Americans have questions about the procedure. Some wonder whether abortion is still legal (it is, in every state in the country), whether it’s on the rise (it’s not), and how recently passed laws around the country would affect patients (the answers vary by state).

To help answer these questions and more, below are 10 facts that paint a picture of abortion in America today.

1) Abortion is at an all-time low

2) Abortion is still common

3) Most people who have abortions already have kids

4) Four states have passed “heartbeat” bills in 2019, and Alabama just passed an even stricter law

5) None of these laws are in effect yet

6) If it does take effect, the Georgia law could have an impact on people who miscarry

7) Many of the recently passed abortion laws are aimed at overturning Roe v. Wade

8) Some recently passed or proposed bills loosen restrictions on abortion

9) Abortion laws do not allow infants to be killed after birth

10) The majority of abortions happen early in pregnancy

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