
Thursday, March 14, 2019

Will the Democrats eat their own?

Post any support of any candidate standing up to Trump and watch the blood flow. The wounds won't come from the GOP, they will come from people on the left. Try it! I don't care who you pick. AOC, Bernie, Biden, Harris, O'Rourke....take your pick and watch the fireworks. You will see more dysfunction, hatred and ego issues than you will ever experience in the GOP. Yes, I actually said that. You will not see this kind of ruthlessness and viciousness amongst the GOP. They are smart enough to align behind candidates if they want to win.
Liberals love to share how intellectually superior they are. However, they lost in 2016 to a complete moron because they were not intelligent enough to not play Putin's game of divide and conquer. However, intelligence is not needed to win, or even to survive. Adaptation is what is needed. So far, liberals have not adapted even slightly since 2016, and that is why I think they will lose again.
I am excited about a few candidates, neutral about many, and not happy about a few. But chickens come home to roost, so you won't hear any bashing from me. It's a shame that babies are sitting in detention facilities, the earth is being raped, the poor are robbed, journalists cut into pieces with a saw, our allies are publicly degraded, wild horses subjected to torture and killings, and the rule of law is no longer upheld. What a shame that the people who could stop this cannot get past their egos and myopic vision to do whatever it takes to come together for the sake of the things we hold most dear...and our ability to participate in democracy at all.

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