
Thursday, February 14, 2019

Libertarians attack the middle class again.

Republicans want to make America "GREAT" by stealing from your monthly paychecks so that the bankers who ripped you off on your student loans can buy a second yacht... so let's recap:
First, they allowed banks to loan-shark you. Then, they suppressed wages by refusing to even talk about raising the minimum wage (it hasn't been raised in over a decade).
Now, they're coming after the little bit of money you have left over from your measly paychecks. When will the working class learn that Republicans aren't simply the opposition party, they are SWORN ENEMIES who share zero allegiance to the American people and won't stop until we are all living in serfdom.
The "Reagan revolution" was the parting shot against the once-great American middle class -- and now Trump and the Russian Republican Party are lining up for the kill-shot.
Commentary by Occupy Democrats founder Omar Rivero.

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