
Wednesday, November 07, 2018

Michael Moore assesses the election results (it's better than cable news would have you believe)

Michael Moore

VICTORY! We took the House with 35-40 NEW Democrats elected yesterday — and the MAJORITY of them were women! Two of them are the first Muslim women ever elected to Congress. Also elected was the first ever Native American woman to the House (over 500 years after the genicide began). And of course the youngest woman ever elected to Congress: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez!
And there’s more! Dems flipped 7 governorships (including Kansas!). The first-ever openly gay Governor (CO) won! Dems took control of the Senates in NY, ME & CO. Republicans were tossed out of office from coast to coast! The House of Lords (er, the US Senate, which is not structured to represent one person/one vote—Delaware gets the same number of votes as California!) grew by 3 Republicans.
But the best news is that once again we WON the MOST votes (aka, the popular vote) throughout the entire country! The American people, by an overwhelming majority, agreed with us. In all the House races combined, we got 3 MILLION MORE votes than the Republicans. And we got TEN MILLION MORE votes than them in the Senate races! The majority of Americans rejected Trump and all that he stands for. He’ll never get that because those are facts — and facts are facts. The three states that gave him his Electoral College win in 2016 — Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania— all went from Red to Blue last night by electing Democratic Governors and Democratic Senators in all three states. In Michigan, all the top statewide office holders were won by Democratic women, along with three new Dem women being sent to Congress. To top it off, the voters in Michigan voted to completely legalize marijuana, outlawed gerrymandering, enacted same-day voter registration and created a transparent auditing system to ensure all the.votes are always counted correctly. A total rebuke to Trump and the Republican’s successful efforts elsewhere nationwide to suppress the vote.
There will be more good news as the days go on and as we dig deeper into our many victories yesterday. Our main mission now is to elect a brand new Speaker of the House, prepare to introduce the bold, progressive legislation the American people want, and prevent these lame-duck Republicans from doing any damage in their final two months. This will take all Dems standing firm and fighting them when necessary (which means in about a couple hours or so).
Congrats again to the millions of everyday citizens who made this happen. Action beats hope every time.

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