
Wednesday, November 14, 2018

House Democrats have already outlined the first piece of legislation they plan to introduce next year.

Robert Reich

The bill will focus on strengthening democracy through a number of important reforms. The proposal would:

1) Establish Automatic Voter Registration. This measure would ensure all eligible voters are automatically registered to vote, using the information they've already provided to the DMV or other government agencies.

2) Overturn the Supreme Court's decision in the Citizens United case, which has allowed unlimited amounts of money to flood our political system.

3) Tackle corruption by closing loopholes and strengthen anti-bribery laws. The bill would also require presidential candidates to release their tax returns.

4) Protect the Voting Rights Act, an essential safeguard against voter suppression tactics.

5) Eliminate gerrymandered districts by creating independent commissions to draw congressional maps -- a non-partisan approach that has proved successful in several states.

Meanwhile, Trump and his enablers are trying to stop a recount mandated by state law in Florida. The White House also announced this week that Trump will award the presidential medal of freedom to Miriam Adelson, one of his top political donors.

Our democracy is in desperate need of these reforms.


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