
Wednesday, August 22, 2018

The Republican electoral playbook has exactly one page:


–Accuse your opponent of suffering from whatever you yourself are weakest at. Then hammer that point over and over again.

Folks, theirs is a party that has lost the popular vote in 6 of the last 7 presidential elections, but insists that Democrats are out of touch with the American mainstream.

Theirs is a party that, in 2000, ran a National Guard line-jumping candidate (W Bush) for President, and a 7-times draft deferring Vice President (Dick Cheney) against a candidate who had actually served in Vietnam (Al Gore), despite the fact that Al Gore’s father (Al Gore) was a powerful Senator. So of course the Republicans attacked his service as inadequate and too short.

In 2004, the Republicans ran the two same Vietnam averse candidates against an actually decorated Vietnam war veteran, one who enlisted in the Navy and volunteered for close-in shore duty despite his Harvard Yale education. So of course Republicans openly mocked his service and even accused him of faking the wounds that won him the Purple Heart.

Barack Obama, of course, was accused of being a crazy black man who lacked the experience and judgment to be president, at least according to the Republicans. Meanwhile, rage-a-holic John McCain picked Sarah Palin as his VP candidate.

In 2012, Barack Obama was supposedly responsible for the financial shenanigans that ruined the global economy … but Mitt Romney, a wealthy investor who specialized in debt-leveraged buyouts of companies that often failed, costing lots of people their jobs, was fiscally responsible and a job maker.

And in 2016, of course, the Republicans ran a billionaire (?) troll, one of the vilest people to run for office in the history of the United States (much less win it) … and Hillary Clinton was a nasty woman who was too close to Wall Street.

Meanwhile, Democrats responded by trying to prove these accusations weren’t true. And the media covered the “controversy,” not the actual facts.

You can’t convince the Trumpizoidal maniacs that they need to change their minds. They don’t support Trump for rational reasons. It’s tribal. It’s brutal.

You have to beat them.You HAVE to BEAT them.


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