
Sunday, June 24, 2018

Begala: Trump's Politicization Of People's Pain To Divide America 'Monstrous'

Crooks and Liars by Heather

Democratic strategist Paul Begala had a few words for Trump following his disgusting "permanent separation" event, where he was desperately trying to change the narrative after days of the press showing immigrant children separated from their families.

Here's Begala's response when asked about the desperate debacle on CNN's The Lead this Friday:

BASH: I want to talk more about that whole event they had today, and just start with that idea of permanently separated. Kind of clever. Certainly not subtle as I mentioned to Boris. Let's listen to it again.

TRUMP: These are the American citizens permanently separated from their loved ones. The word permanently being the word that you have to think about. Permanently. They're not separated for a day or two days, but they are permanently separated because they were killed by criminal illegal aliens --

BASH: Paul, you're a messaging guru. I know this is the other side of the aisle for you and then some, but what do you think of what he's trying to do there?

BEGALA: He knows what he's doing. He's taking this -- raw, real pain that these poor families are suffering, which is authentic and he's politicizing it. Right? It is monstrous to take these folks' pain and then try to use it to divide America.

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